Windows 10 - Error Code 80240020

  Windows 10 is available for some time . If it is successful in many ways , there may still be some error messages during the installation process , such as the 80240020 error code.

Error code of 80240020

  Some Windows users have been able to appear the error code 80240020 when upgrading to Windows 10. The reason for this error and that it would corrupt installation files on your computer. To solve this problem, you need to delete some files from your computer , and then force the upgrade to Windows 10

How to fix it?

Delete the update files

  You must first delete all the corrupted files from your computer. As it is impossible to know which file is corrupted , you must delete all the files in certain folders. Open the program " Exécuteré , found in the " Start "menu , and then locate the folder named C: \ Windows ~ $ BT . :

  Then open the folder, and delete all the folders and files it contains. Force the upgrade to Windows 10 Now that your installation files are deleted , you can force the automatic upgrade to Windows 10 . From the Start menu , type Command Prompt in the search bar , and open it ( or search for it using the magnifying glass in the top right menu on Windows 8).

  Tapez ensuite cette ligne de commande : wuauclt.exe /updatenow, puis, validez avec la touche du clavier "Entrée".

Retournez ensuite dans votre gestionnaire de mises à jour, puis cliquez sur Rechercher les mises à jour, Windows 10 devrait apparaître.

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